High school can be a difficult place to get along. People always say it’s the best years of your life but that is only true for some of the kids. Sometimes high school can be the worst years of your life. It seems like if you aren’t among the popular crowd, you don’t get noticed
Author: Recreation Magazine
Far from the screams of adoring fans and the bright lights of television, sports started out with much less glamour and hype. And with that came less attention to uniforms. Even protective equipment was far more spare than today. Take a look at those old football and hockey pictures. The Cleveland Indians were the first
It’s a game with a puck, a stick, and ice, and although hockey may seem like the domain of Canada and other countries with colder climates, it is now possible to bring the game of hockey to your own backyard. Although the number of hockey players overall in the United States is growing, a difficulty
Cheerleading is a popular American sport that boasts over four million cheerleaders across the nation. But have you ever wondered about the dynamic history of this popular sport? Here is everything you need to know about the history of cheerleading. Cheerleading first started as a male sport. Funny to think, but those cheer poms that
No matter what your favorite hobbies are, there is something to be said for taking it to the great outdoors. Even those who would rather sit in an air conditioned building, or go shopping, or revel in the excitement of everything that a city has to offer, when given the opportunity to experience the peace
Cheerleading is a sport that boasts a 100-year history and nearly four million athletes in the United States alone. Aspects of cheerleading can be seen in every part of American culture, from fashion accessories to pop music. But there was one decade in our nation’s past that was more cheerleader-centric than any other. Think big
Did you know that hot tubs and spas offer health benefits? It’s true. A 30-minute soak six times a week can help keep diabetes under control. Hot tubs are also known to produce longevity, so if you want to live longer, regularly soak in a hot tub. To do that, however, you’ll need access to