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Bat Shaving or Rolling is an Solution

Bat Shaving or Rolling is an Solution

Nov 1, 20200

Sport is generally competitive whether you’re playing for fun or prize. The desire to outperform the competition inevitably pushes sportsmen and women to invest in improving their skills, more training, and the best available equipment. However, in the same pool…

Top 10 Self Care Practices for Your Body & Mind

Top 10 Self Care Practices for Your Body & Mind

Oct 21, 20200

Are you looking for a way to show a special lady just how special she is? Many people decide to plan and purchase a pamper day for a special lady. When you treat a female friend or family member to…

Will Your Golf Game Suffer When Cold Temperatures and Winter Conditions Limit Your Play?

Will Your Golf Game Suffer When Cold Temperatures and Winter Conditions Limit Your Play?

Oct 15, 20200

Playing St. Andrews every week has become a tradition with you and your friend. You like to joke with your parents that virtual access to one of the most historic courses in the world is just one of the benefits…

Finding Your Way in a Challenging Time Requires Some Attention to Self Care

Finding Your Way in a Challenging Time Requires Some Attention to Self Care

Oct 15, 20200

Striving. Working. Dreaming. In a time when so many Americans are struggling to deal with not only the pandemic but also the political climate of this election. Finding a way to still get up and go to work, to parent,…

Playing Ball The Benefits Of Baseball Bat Shaving And Rolling

Playing Ball The Benefits Of Baseball Bat Shaving And Rolling

Oct 9, 20200

There are many different sports that are popular within the United States. Some of these sports include, but are not limited to, basketball, football, soccer; and importantly, baseball. Baseball can be considered an all-American sport, and many people enjoy watching…