Humanity has long since had a strong affinity for water, even though the human race is not naturally aquatic. Since the dawn of civilization, and long before that too, people have built boats out of wood and bone to explore, trade, go fishing, hunt seals, and more. In the modern age, the average American is
Author: Recreation Magazine

In the United States, the American people like to engage in many different activities. These activities tend to adhere to weather conditions as well as seasonal changes. For example, individuals go camping at campgrounds, hike, fish, and much more. In fact, 59% of campers camp around 100 miles from their home, 53% of campers utilize

We all want to spend as much time as possible with our dogs. Dogs are more than just pets — they’re truly man’s best friend. Of course, for those who require the help of service dogs, it can literally be impossible to get through a lot of daily tasks without a dog. Whether you want

The History of Tattoos The history of tattoos may be older than you think. In fact, the earliest records we have of tattoos go back thousands of years. Firm evidence suggests that tattooing was an ancient art, as mummified skin has been found to have tattoo markings. The oldest human tattoo appears to be

There are many sports practiced around the world, many of them involving using a ball or scoring points. Meanwhile, some sports are more exotic, and this even includes skydiving. This idea sounds terrifying to some, but many Americans in fact love the thrill of going skydiving, and a skydiving center might not be far away

Many different baseball and softball manufacturers and suppliers shave bats for the assistance of improved hitting. There are many different terms for defining or describing shaved bats that are able to add extreme energy to the hit you complete at the plate. With both shaved fastpitch softball bats and shaved slowpitch bats, there is the

World cup tournaments are popular internationally, especially considering the fact that not all locations have professional soccer or rugby as sports. However, with the availability of television channels that show these games, their presence has increased in the regions where they are not played. For this reason, soccer has developed into a professional sport here