Those who enjoy a ride on their bike will take special care to ensure that all of their equipment on their body and their bike is specific to their liking while also providing what the rider needs. Things from motorcycle apparel, motorcycle brakes, motorcycle eyewear, motorcycle brakes, motorcycle handlebars and motorcycle tires are all chosen very carefully and kept up with to ensure a smooth, safe and enjoyable ride.
While great care is taken in choosing the perfect apparel, that same great care should be taken when choosing the right style of handlebars for your motorcycle. Handlebars vary greatly and their functions do as well, as you can tell from the numerous choices available for bikes. Read below to see the different types of handlebars, what makes them different and what benefits each types provides to the rider.
Drag Bars
Drag bars have lots of variation and style when it comes to selecting these as your choice for motorcycle handle bars. They typically feature a straight line with handlebars on the ends of it. The drag associated with them include no drag, low drag and high drag. These types of handle bars are common on motorcycles so you’ve probably seen them before.
Beach Bars
Beach bars for motorcycles feature a rounded shape that usually curves towards the rider. The design is made for comfort for the rider which increases it’s popularity among motorcycle riders. These handlebars are best suited for those looking for a laid back and relaxing ride on their cycle.
Clubman Bars
These are two handle bars which are popularly seen and more common on dirt bikes. They have an aggressive look and offer comfortable grips for the rider. The rider must lean forward while using these handlebars which helps ease the wind resistance while riding. These are not as adjustable as other handlebars, but they offer the same effectiveness on the cycle.
Drag Bars
These straight line handle bars offer an aerodynamic design for those who thrive on high speed. These are a straight line across the motorcycle that with handles on each end. These handlebars require the rider to lean forward while riding which reduces the wind resistance during the ride. These bars require a little more aggression while riding but still provide a quite comfortable ride.
Z Bars
Motorcycle Z bar handlebars are named mainly because of their design. Motorcycle Z bar handlebars are bent at a 90 degree angle and somewhat resemble the letter Z. Motorcycle Z bar handlebars can come in a variety of styles but the angles are usually the giveaway for these types of handlebars. Motorcycle Z bar handlebars are not too wide which makes them perfect for more narrow bikes. The height of motorcycle Z bar handlebars is relatively average meaning they are easy to grip. There is no pullback which means motorcycle Z bar handlebars are straight up on the bike so the rider must lean forward to grab them.
Breezer Handlebars
These handlebars are more common for bigger bikes as the larger bikes carry these types better than smaller ones. They drop down towards the rider slightly allowing an easier grip without leaning forward so much. The curves are soft on these handlebars yet they still provide a distinguished somewhat aggressive look to a cycle.
Some parts are more important that others while some just help the rider express their individuality. Handlebars, for example, will be on your bike for much longer than others so it’s important to make a good choice when picking them. Tires for example gain about 10% in pressure after an hour riding so they should be checked for safety, brakes can heat up to over 350 degrees so they should be checked regularly, and improper balanced tires can shorten their entire life. Helmets were designed to wear out so should be checked regularly and replaced as needed. Handlebars on the other hand are designed to last a while, meaning you should not run into reasons to replace them. So choose ones that fit your style and needs so that you make the best choice that will last a while.