Gymnastics, a sport that has been around for more than 2,000 years, is a great way to implement physical activity for kids. With a simple search, you can find local gymnastic classes. Gymnastics for boys, as well as for girls are both available.
Limiting Time on Electronics
Unfortunately, only one in three children engages in physical activities each day. Kids are spending more time than ever in front of a screen, such as a TV, computer, tablet, or video game system. Nearly seven and a half hours each day are being spent cooped up inside, instead of participating in physical activity. Scoping out local gymnastic classes and allowing your child to have fun in a beneficial way, such as gymanstics and dance, can improve several aspects of your child.
Benefits of Gymnastic Classes
The United States Department of Health and Human Service recommends children between the ages of six and 17 should be participating in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Gymnastics for kids provides several of benefits, including building fine motor skills. An additional benefit is that you’re essentially breaking your child away from screen time and stimulating their brain with something useful. Too much time in front of a screen can lead to depression. Engaging in Phoenix gymanstics can release endorphins and provide reduced chances of depression and anxiety in children. Your child can start reaping this benefits early on in their childhood. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that children can engage in gymnastics as young as 2-5 years old, as long as their motor skills and maturity match the level of the gymnastics class.
Future Goals
By having your child participate in Arizona gymnastics classes, they can find that this type of activity is something they have a passion for. By discovering this hidden passion, they may even decide to take on similar activities, such as cheerleading in the future. For example, approximately 90% of female cheerleaders were involved with gymnastics beforehand. Cheerleading squads are common in schools; 80% of schools have a cheerleading team, which allows gymnasts to take their physical activity to the next step.