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Do You Have a Scuba Diving Certification?

Jun 21, 20170

Initialisms and acronyms merited a post this week on the Merrian-Webster Twitter account. The inviting photo of a deep water SCUB diver was pictured staring into the camera, and the purpose of the post was to talk about the difference…


Why A Soccer Training Program Is The Best Summer Activity To Encourage Healthy, Social Kids

Jun 13, 20170

Sports bring people together. Why wouldn’t they? They’re all about healthy competition and having a good time, whether it’s a hobby you indulge in during the summer or a future career filled with potential. For families who are eager to…


A Few of the Most Important Tools to Keep on Your Yacht at All Times

May 5, 20170

Did you know that more than 87 million U.S. adults took part in recreational boating in 2014? The numbers are just getting bigger and bigger, and in some cases so are the boats! But no matter the size of your…


Are You Looking for Unique Mother’s and Father’s Day Gifts?

Apr 20, 20170

The tables have turned. Now that you and your sister are both college graduates who are working at your first jobs and living in your first homes with your spouses, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have transformed a little. Instead…


Benefits of Gymnastics for Physical Activity

Mar 3, 20170

Gymnastics, a sport that has been around for more than 2,000 years, is a great way to implement physical activity for kids. With a simple search, you can find local gymnastic classes. Gymnastics for boys, as well as for girls…